BHI Colloquium
Anna Franckowiak

Multi-messenger astronomy with high-energy neutrinos
Abstract: The recent discoveries of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos and gravitational waves have opened new windows of exploration to the Universe. Neutrinos can escape dense environments from where photons can not reach us and travel undeflected through the Universe. In combination with measurements of electromagnetic radiation, neutrinos can help to solve long-standing problems in astrophysics and probe physics that plays a role at extreme conditions that otherwise are hardly accessible to laboratory experiments. For example, TeV-PeV neutrinos have the potential to reveal the origin of cosmic rays. Possible source candidates include the core of active galaxies or the tidal disruption of a star by a supermassive black hole. I will give an overview of recent discoveries in the field of high-energy neutrino astronomy.
Bio: I did my PhD in 2011 at University of Bonn, followed by a postdoc at SLAC. Then I came back to Germany to lead a Helmholtz Young Investigator group at DESY Zeuthen and since 2021 I’m a professor at Ruhr-University Bochum.
Monday, March 24, 2025 11:00 AM