BHI Colloquium
Marek Abramowicz

Primordial black holes in the dark matter halo of our Galaxy
Abstract: If there are primordial black holes in the dark matter halo of our Galaxy, they must collide with the Galactic neutron stars (NS) and turn them into light black holes (LBH), with masses below 1.4 M_Sun. This process has several observational consequences that may be checked by microlensing, by LIGO-Virgo-Kagra iterferometers detecting gravitational waves from collisions of LBH with NS and BH, by detecting LBH in X-ray binaries and from pulsars statistics.
Bio: Marek Abramowicz is Professor Emeritus at the Physics Department of Gothenburg University (Sweden) and works part time as a professor at the N. Copernicus Astronomical Centre in Warsaw (Poland) and at the Physics Department of Silesian University in Opava (Czechia). His main field of research is theory of black hole accretion disks. Together with others he has developed models of Polish doughnuts, slim disks, adafs, magnetically arrested disks and puffy disks — the last three types in a close collaboration with Ramesh Narayan and his students and colleagues at Harvard.
Monday, April 22, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM