BHI Colloquium
Vera Matarese
Dark Energy Realism or Anti-realism?
According to the standard ΛCDM cosmological model, approximately 70% of the universe is composed of dark energy. Given that this is our most successful model to date, one might argue for realism about dark energy, according to which dark energy is a genuine physical entity pervading the universe. However, there remains a profound challenge, which is the problem of underdetermination. How can one be realist about something one cannot even definitively characterize? In this talk, I will present the arguments for and against dark energy realism. I will then propose a more nuanced, cautious, middle-ground approach, which is informed by fictional realism and which acknowledges the fact that dark energy bears multiple interpretations. According to this view, dark energy should be regarded as a real yet fictional entity, introduced as the best possible candidate for physical reality, but which may or may not have a physical counterpart. This framework offers, to my mind, a more fruitful and intellectually honest metaphysical characterization of dark energy, bridging the gap between realism and anti-realism.
Monday, October 7, 2024 11:00 AM