Meet the People at the BHI

Xi Yin
String theory, being our best hope for a complete description of quantum gravity and a unified theory of everything, also provides a powerful toolbox along the way for solving problems in seemingly very different subjects, such as strongly coupled quantum field theories, conformal field theory, integrable systems, algebraic geometry, hyperbolic geometry, etc. Xi Yin’s research interest lies in the fundamental aspects of string theory, and what string theory can teach us about other fields in physics and mathematics. Yin’s past works involve black holes [5], supersymmetric bound states in string theory [3,4], conformal field theory, and gauge theory in three dimensions [2]. His current research focuses on quantum gravity in low dimensions (e.g. [1]), as well as the holographic duality between gauge theory and string theory/gravity (a.k.a. AdS/CFT correspondence).
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Honorary Affiliate: Stephen Hawking
In Memoriam
Former Honorary Affiliate
Dennis Stanton Avery and Sally Tsui Wong-Avery Director of Research, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge Physics
Learn More About Stephen